I don't know if its just due to my personality, or if this is one of those normal things women go through after having a child. I have been feeling down the past 2 days. Not depression, but just not my uppidy self. I'm one of those people who doesn't handle chaos and disorganization well. I'm not quite obsessive compulsive, but considered close. I like routine, and change seems to really throw me off my course. Now, having Kylie is so completely worth it, I'm not saying that I wish things were any different, by all means, however, are these feelings normal? Has anyone else felt this way? Should I be worried that these are signs of postpartum depression? I love my life...my husband and daughter make me so happy...but lacking routine the past few weeks is kicking me in the pants. I'm tired, and its not because of Kylie, the house isn't as clean as usual, and I cant seem to find the time to clean it...or is it lack of energy? Possibly a little of both??? Ugh, I don't like this feeling. And my husband just started work again...and they put him on nights, so that's another Huge change we have to endure. Matthew is so supportive, and I'm so appreciative for that, I don't take him for granted, but I feel like I'm too sad to show him how grateful I am. He feels so helpless, he asks whats wrong, but I cant really describe it. I talk to him, but I really need other moms perspectives because no man can understand the transition feeling from being pregnant to not being pregnant. I feel like my world has changed more extreme than I expected. I knew having a baby is a life changing experience, but I don't think I realised how different I would feel. I'm not the type of person who handles change well...and this is the perfect example. I know that things will settle soon, and we will find a routine. I will be fine, but I could use some advice and support from other mom's who have felt these feelings.
Reflecting- 1 Year Later.
10 years ago
I know that i felt that way, the change is so different.. dont worry things will get better.. It is just a really really big change in life. being a mom is the most hardest thing anyone can be. when she gets a little bit older things get easier lie cleaning and just having that time to yourself again.. dont worry ok things will be fine..
I felt this same way with the birth of each of my six children. During such a time, my mom gave me something that helped me put things into perspective and understand why I was feeling the way I was. I've not been able to find it to share with you, but I recreated it the best I could and tried posting it in a comment, but it was evidently too long. I've emailed it to you. Hope it helps you as much as it did me! =)
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