Shoot, I have fallen so behind on my blogs, I don't even know where to begin. So much has happened. Kylie has mastered crawling, but still isn't satisfied with the form of transportation. My determined little bug wants so badly to walk...I say, "Take your time! No need for rushing."
Here's the thing, not that she is mobil, I'm on more of a constant alert than before. She is stressing me out less about the fireplace, mostly because she is less clumsy and she sits on it more than trying to stand on it. But her newest infatuation is the entertainment center. Now its not just the movies, she wants to get the Xbox and pull herself up. Ridiculous! She is growing so fast...right before our eyes. As of yesterday, my sweet girl says "momma" *smiling proudly ear to ear* I'm working on trying to get her to say "Dada".
With the holidays just around the corner, I have been feeling overwhelmed and a little stressed. But, things will work out...they always do. I am officially a stay home mom, and although I'm relieved to have one less thing on my mind all the time (work) being a mother, as all moms know, is a 24/7 job...and its exhausting. I enjoy it most days, but there are those days where you just want a break. A break from dishes, laundry, cleaning, and taking care of a mobile 7mo old...who recently has had some very cranky days. Teething...not so much my best friend. The constant fidgeting and playing while eating...super annoying. At this rate, "No" and "Stop" are words she will be saying soon.
Personality...galore! She is definitely our daughter...I especially see her dad in her behavior. What a character, I love it!
Well, I honestly don't know whatelse to much has happened since I last blogged, these were the few things that stood out in my mind. Kylie is a beautiful baby, too quickly becoming a gorgeous girl. I'm thankful to be a stay at home mom, I get to see every milestone and cherish every moment...
Until the next time I have spare time to write...
Reflecting- 1 Year Later.
10 years ago
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