Monday, March 28, 2011

She is just Fabulous!

Kylie has so much personality, it brings a smile to mommy's face Everyday!

She walks all over the place now. And I know most people say, "now she will get into everything and be under your feet all the time," but honestly, she was miserable not being able to walk. She wanted to so badly, and she would hold on to my pant leg and whine all the time, she would get into everything the day she figured out she could roll to where she wanted to go. So, walking, is awesome! I think its the most adorable thing to just sit and watch her go. And she clapped at herself the first time she walked from the center of the living room to her daddy. She was so proud, and of course so are we.

Now that she is almost a year old, I think its time we begin weening her from her sizzle. I would really prefer she doesnt have it anymore by 13 months. That gives her a month after she turns one to get used to the fact that she wont have it for bedtime and nap times either. It isnt going to be easy, believe me I know, she loves that thing, but it will need to be done eventually, and I dont think she will toss it herself in a very timely manner.

My growin' girl. Last night she ate bbq chicken, tortellini, and pears with us for dinner. I love being able to share food with her. Poor girl had no idea what she was missing.

Oh! Goodness! So, I had sent a message to my mom, dad, in laws, and a few friends asking about the first tooth. I felt like there were two bottom teeth when I found her first tooth had come in. Come to find, she does have both front bottom teeth! She wasnt even acting as though she was teething so hard, so I had no idea that two of them were pushing through. Although the past week or two she has had some rough sleep nights. She woke up the other night crying, and not even giving her sizzle back made her go back to sleep like usual. She was just absolutely miserable. For the first time, I had to rock her and she just stared at the ceiling snuggling. I put her back down, awake, after about 30 mins. of that, and she was fine. I think it was her mouth that was bothering her those restless nights. Poor thing.

Anyway, there are so many things I can talk about it...I could go for days bragging about how amazing this love bug is. She dances to everything. She is so happy, and giggles and plays so much more. I love watching her grow. Dont get me wrong, when she was newborn, she was the most precious thing Id ever seen, but I much rather this age. She is fun, she is learning, its just so wonderful.

I bought some party stuff for her first birthday. Its just around the corner and I am super excited. Its going to be perfect!

Well, I really should try harder to keep things up to date on here. I always post the fun and cute things Kylie does on Facebook, but I dont put them on here, and this is where I can reflect back to...time stamped and all...this is the diary of her life, so those moments are best memorialized if I type it up on here...Ha! and of course its not like its less convenient to post it on here as it is on Facebook...I can do it all on my phone. I will just have to try harder. Maybe I will go back in time on my Facebook, copy and paste to add things to here...yes...I think thats what I will do....


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