Thursday, February 4, 2010

27 week check up...

So, I never did write about my last check up. February 3rd, I went in for my OB check up and brought my friend Jen with me (since my husband couldn't make it). We got to see Kylie...she is healthy and beautiful of course. Dr. Miller wanted me to go down stairs to the lab office and get some blood tests done...its routine. They had me drink that sugary stuff so they could check my glucose levels...which meant the quick in and out appointment turned into a 2 hour appointment. Lol. Good thing Jen didn't have any plans. I told them that I needed to get the second Rhogam Shot (because of my blood being RH-) and they said that they couldn't do it right away, they had to check my blood type and then I would have to come back after the results to get the shot. WHAT? How dumb is that...they have it on record what my blood type is and that I have already had the first shot back in October. Anywho, a few days later I got a call from Dr. Millers office, they were letting me know that my prescription (the shot) was in at Walgreen's and that I could pick it up and bring it in. I was confused. Why am I picking up the shot and bringing it to them? I get to Walgreen's and end up paying almost $60 for the shot. Thought that was BS too...granted it would have been more than double that if I didn't have insurance...but still. The first shot was injected into my arm...but this time they injected it in my hip and said because I'm so thin, they shouldn't have put it in my arm...its meant to go into fatty tissue. So, now everything is all good. Kylie is progressing wonderfully.
I also talked to the doctors office about my work sending me out on Maternity leave early. I explained to them that they wouldn't put me on desk duty, that I can't do my required job duties (standing for 12 hours straight, lunch breaks when convenient, potty breaks few and far between), and I asked them if they knew what my options were since work isn't paying me for this leave. They said that I can try disability, but its no guarantee...I applied for it and found out that because I'm a federal employee, we don't pay into disability, therefore I'm not now what??? Stressed out over surviving on one income, I applied for the donor program that is available on the establishment...THANK GOD FOR THAT! I already have a few people helping me out by donating their unused leave. I think everything will be okay. Just sucks because my job is making me use the FML (Family Medical Leave) which requires them to secure my job for up to 90 days...after that they do not have to hold my job for me...I am due in about 3 months, and I will be needing to continue my leave after Kylie is born to take care of her...I was hoping to save the FML for after I have her so that I could stay home with her and breast feed for 3 I will only have 6 weeks, and hopefully still have a job to go back to. Oye, its like they think its a crime to start a family. This is a beautiful creation...yet my job makes it stressful. But, we do what we have to do...hopefully everything works out in the long usually does, just gotta keep movin' forward. My husband doesn't see TOO worried...he thinks that we will be fine on one income...he actually said I could probably quit and go back to school if I wanted...but I don't think that is feasible. We will see what the future brings. Wish us luck...after all, March is a
lucky month *wink*.



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