Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Well, I cant quite describe it. I feel depressed, and for no reason at all. Nothing in particular is bothering me. I wish I were working already. Kylie is already enrolled in daycare, so that's not the issue. My work isn't willing to work with my availability until the 12th of July. I'm a little concerned about our finances, even though I know we have been in worse circumstances and always find away through...but for some reason, I cant shake this. Yesterday we discontinued Direct TV and went with NetFlix. So much cheaper and so worth it. Trying to find ways of saving $money$.
Kylie came home today with a cold/allergies. She isn't fussing over it, but I feel so sad for her, she can hardly breathe through her nose. I'm going to take her in tomorrow to have her checked out.
I know that this depressed feeling is supposed to be normal, but how long does it last??? After I go back to work, if it doesn't go away, I'm going to talk to my doctor about it. I don't like feeling this way. I didn't even sleep well last night. Woke up crying and uncomfortable. Fortunately I'm not taking it out on my wonderful husband and beautiful baby girl...but I know they can sense it and I don't want this negativity in our home.


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