Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Picking up where we left off...

Okay, so I didn't have a chance to type all the information I wanted to before KylieBug started waking from her nap the other day.

She had her 4 month check up about a week or two ago, she is a healthy 12 lbs 4 oz and the nurses were very impressed with her growing/learning progress. She is holding her head up so well on her own, and damn near sitting up without help. She is so interactive with smiling, giggling, talking, and she can pick up, hold, and put things in her mouth like she has been doing it for months. She is one smart baby girl. And if she wants to get somewhere, why crawl when she can roll? *giggle* You think I'm joking, this girl is a Rolliepollie...she is so determined, so she rolls from back to tummy, tummy to back, till she arrives at her preferred destination...its doubt a crack up...but I have caught her quite a few times trying to crawl...she just hasn't quite figured out how to work the front yet. However, its not always all smiles and giggles...she is teething so horribly and it breaks my heart to see her in such agony. When she was 2 months old, as you may recall, she was breaking through her bottom left front tooth...well, that one decided to hide back under the gums and her right second from the front one is pushing through with full force it seems. Anything and Everything she can get in her mouth she will chew on...I'm no fan of the teething days. This sweet thing, though, I tell ya, she warms my heart with every coo, smile, giggle, and even just a simple touch. Its a feeling that no one but a mother or father experience most definitely worth having. I think a life without kids would be a life with something BIG missing...almost dull...your wallet, however, would be much fuller and happier. *laughing* Could diapers and formula get anymore expensive? Good Grief!

Well, its off to bed for this mommy/wifey...but here are a couple of new pictures of my gorgeous, healthy, growin' girl!


Melissa McMommy

She is beautiful! I'm glad to hear she is doing so well. That is so cute how she rolls from place to place!


Evalynn has the "Daddy's little sweetheart" onsie too! Love it!

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