Friday, October 22, 2010

What a BIG girl...

Kylie is growing TOO fast.
She is now eating rice cereal from a spoon and bowl. Oh my.
We haven't started any other foods yet...just getting her familiar with the spoon. Let me tell you what...she is so good at it already. I was surprised. I thought it would take her a while to feel comfortable with swallowing a thicker substance, but she had a blast with it. Her noises...PRICELESS! I love it.
We have been working with her on sitting up...she almost has it. She is still a little wobbly, but she almost sits up on her own. I had her up on her hands and knees a couple times was very impressive.
I had a few friends comment on my Facebook status regarding this...I don't take offense to peoples opinions, and I 100% see what they are trying to say...however, in my personal opinion as a mother, I don't want her to grow up fast, but there isn't anything wrong with teaching her how to do the things she wants to do. I know when she is good and ready, her body will work with her mind, but I feel so good being there, as her mother, and helping/teaching her. Its a rewarding feeling knowing that everyday her and I work on her sitting up on her own, trying to crawl, eating with a spoon...we are doing it together and she is everyday becoming closer and closer to doing those things by herself. Its emotional for me knowing she will be speaking, walking, go to school, have a bad attitude because she is a pissed off teenager, get a job, get married, and one day, my baby will have a baby of her own, but its the facts of cant stop it, so I simply want to be apart of the moments as she is growing...I want to be part of the reason she learned to crawl, speak, and walk...its inevitable...babies grow instead of wishing she would stay little forever, I am going to roll with the milestones, and we will do it as a family. :o) Its one of those GREATEST parts of being a mommy and daddy.
Anyway, on to another topic...Kylie had her first trip to the fair...she loved it. Mommy tried Funnel Cake for the first time...LOVED it. Lol. Daddy won her a Red Sea Turtle from the balloon popping game. We had a blast.
I love the Fall/Autumn...its been raining, thundering and lightening...its awesome.
Halloween is just around the corner and Kylie is going to be a Ladybug. SO EXCITED!!!


Mrs Ward

Hi! She's really cute!! I like this blog and Im a new blogger so I decided to follow you. totally understand how you feel know how fast she is growing. One of my Bff's is currently going through the same thing with her 4 yr old. My husband and I are starting out TTC process now.

(¯'·.¸ ♥ мяs. gяiswoℓ∂ ♥¸.·'¯)

Oh wow, I feel flattered that you are following me. Thanks. She is so fun, such a doll. That is awesome that you and your husband are getting ready! Good luck. Its for sure the greatest feeling and accomplishment ever.

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