Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Im getting lousey at, Facebook will help me catch up...

More to come...but....
Hahaha! While I was gone for my eye follow up, Kylie got tired of playing with daddy, so he laied on the floor playing his game and she was hanging out right next to him. He noticed she was being really quiet but she was still right by him, so he kept doing his thing, but she was still being so quiet, so he looks at her, she had his wallet and was pulling everything out of cards, drivers license, all of it. LOL! She cracks me up!

Wednesday at 11:24am via Android
He doesn't know how I got it because its most common in contact wearer's. Basically its a bacterial infection that causes and ulcer on the cornea. There is a cloudy spot on the color of my eye, I thought this whole time it was Conjunctivitis and was treating it with Pink eye drops, but the other day I looked closer because my eye felt like something was in it, something big like a piece of rock or dirt, the redness was getting bad again and the burning and raw feeling too...when I saw the white I knew something was more wring than just conjunctivitis, so I went to my actual optometrist t (urgent care doesn't know their asses from a hole in the ground) he was super conceded right away, he wouldn't even tell me what he thought until he put the dye on my eye and looked closer at it. After asking my pain on a scale 1-10 I replied 4-5 but not consistent and its usually in the evening it gets so bad I hold my eye shut and it gushes water like I was crying from one eye. LOL. He said he was surprised I wasn't in more pain. He told me to take the drops he was prescribing every other hour the first day and four times a day the next and he would see me Wednesday. I went in today, the redness has gone down a lot but my eye still feels raw and Burns. He looked at it and said that he can see some improvement from Monday, but its still pretty bad. He prescribed me additional drops that I have to take 10 minutes after the ones I'm already taking 4 times a day. LOL, then he tells me after the chart exam that he saw me squint. Looks like I may need glasses. Super! LOL. Would explain most of my headaches and migraines. Hubby keeps saying he is going to buy me a Bedazzler to make me a pretty eye patch. LOL. I love him!

Tuesday at 7:19pm via Android
Oh my...I'm laughing because Kylie is laughing but she's laughing because I'm laughing. Her giggle just gets me every time. This could go on for a while. for a while.
Tuesday at 5:43pm via Mobile Web ·
Epic! Matthew's 80 year old grandparents remembered our anniversary. We are 25 and forgot. I just find that hilarious! ;)

Tuesday at 10:25am via Mobile Web
How chaotic has 2011 been for the Griswolds??? Well, we both forgot our 2 year wedding anniversary yesterday.:( Sooo ♥ HAPPY (belated) ANNIVERSARY SWEETHEART ♥ There are many more to celebrate, we will just have to make up for this one next year.

January 24 at 7:44pm via Mobile Web
♥ although I haven't quite been myself lately (woman/hormonal moments LOL) and I have a hole in my cornea *giggle* (sorry, its just way funnier to say it like that then corneal ulcer) I'm now relaxing in that comfy nook hubby, ignoring this Mythbusters episode about spiders (those who don't already know, I'm a major arachnophobic) eating Good & Plenty's. ♥

Kylie's birthday is all planned out...all that's left is shopping for it all.
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