Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just whats in my mind...

So, I get asked a lot, "When are you two going to have another baby?" and its usually followed by,"You guys just make to beautiful of babies you have to have another." Although very sweet and flattering, we may not have another. Definitely not anytime soon. Kylie is our pride and joy. She keeps me plenty busy, happy, and proud. In this generation, finances are at an all time low when in comparison to cost of living. Most people wouldn't get by if it weren't for credit cards and loans. We are fortunate enough to not have to use credit cards to get by and I'm one.of the few.lucky women who gets to be a stay at home mom. If we had another, not only would I lose my mind starting all over while chase my quick little bug around, but I would have to find a way to work almost full time and still not have to pay for day care. That means less time at home with my family and literally a few hours with my husband. Honestly, this is my family, and sometimes less is more. Kylie gets plenty of attention, love, nourishment. I always wanted a brother or sister, but being an only child doesn't have to be so bad. I have several friends with children that Kylie and be friends with, when she begins school she will make even more friends, and I couldn't he more excited to have slumber parties at our place. Movies, popcorn, games...yes, noisy girls and messes to clean, but how fun. Kylie will have plenty of company, she wont miss out on not having siblings.

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