Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Simply Irresistible

My daughter...Oh my daughter! She has enough character/personality for about 5 babies! She cracks me up. Currently, I mean literally right this minute, she is crawling all over the place saying "momma" and "baba" and blowing raspberries. She is giggling, squealing, and just having a good 'ol time playing by herself. I love watching her. She is still in her jammies, so when she tries to walk/crawl on the tile, she slips and slides all over. It reminds me of 101 Dalmatians, when the puppies are walking over the ice...yup, that's my daughter. I love it. Her voice, her laugh, her smile and expressions...it makes me so proud and happy every time. Lately she hasn't been much like herself because she has this damn cold. The weather has been wild for the desert. We had snow...and not just like, "oh look, a little bit of snow that wont even stick and will be done in about an hour." We got actual, stick to the ground, last for over a day, snow! So, you can understand why all of us are having some nose issues. LoL!

There are so many milestone that she is just zipping through. Its hard to keep up with writing it all down. Id rather just enjoy it while it lasts. Pretty much, she isn't satisfied with crawling being her form of transportation...she wants to walk so badly. I say, take your time, she say Hells No Momma! She is a determined little stinker like her momma, and a silly goose like her dadda! She keeps getting under the end table and looking up through the glass...its hilarious. Well, I could write about her all day, but I will leave at this for now, and post some pictures...shoot...there are so many to chose from, I'm not sure which to post....*giggle*


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