Monday, May 10, 2010

May 8th, 2010

Well, we did it, the day before Mother's Mother's Day gift EVER.
Kylie came 2 days after her due date. I lost my mucus plug at 7am on May 7th. The contractions started shortly after, but they weren't too intense and pretty spread out from 10-15 mins apart. I called my OB's office and told them, they said I could come in at 11:30, so I went for a walk while waiting for my apt. My husband came home to go to the appointment with me. Dr. checked to see if my water broke. My water had not broke and I was dilated officially at a 2. I went home and the contractions were staying pretty steady at 10 mins. That night they began getting more painful and closer together, ranging between 3-6 mins apart. I wanted to wait as long as possible before going to the hospital because I didn't want to wait there just to be sent home. I wanted to be at a steady 3 mins from beginning to beginning of each contraction. Let me tell was a long and uncomfortable night, and my poor husband didn't get much more sleep than I did. May 8th, I woke up with contractions 2.5-3 mins apart, I called my husband, got in the shower, and by the time I got out of the shower, he was home and we headed to the hospital. It was soo cute, he had already put all our stuff in the truck when he went to work that morning. We got to the hospital at 7am, I was dilated at 4cm, they admitted me officially at about 10:30am when I was dilated to 5cm. The contractions were getting so painful, it was almost unbearable, so the nurse gave me an IV injection to dull the intensity of the contractions...that stuff was a body got all tingly and I was able to take a short nap. Shortly after that I got an epidural, that stuff was AMAZING! I could still feel the contractions, but they weren't nowhere near as painful. 12:45pm, I was dilated to a 7. Dr. came in and broke my water, they gave me a diluted bag of Pitocin to regulate my contractions because they weren't staying consistent. Kylie's heart rate stayed steady the entire labor, I'm so proud of her. What a trooper. By 4:30 or so, I was pushing, the nurses were telling me to push harder...I ignored them and focused on my husband, he was holding my left leg telling me how great I was doing, he could see her head and she has so much hair, keep it up babe, your almost there...Matthew was so amazing...Dr. came in at about 5:30 and said that she was right there, a few more really good pushes and she would be I pushed with all my might and at 5:47pm she was out. She didn't cry, she coughed a little, they took her over to clean her up, we heard her fuss for a second, but otherwise she was just wide eyed checking everything out. I was going to tear so Doc had to preform an episiotomy on me...I looked over at my husband and he said that he was so proud of me and she is beautiful...I couldn't really see her, but I saw her feet and heard her little noises and it hit me...we did it! We did such a good job. She is an angel!
7 lbs. 11 oz. and 20 in. long.



Congratulations Momma, she's beatiful. It sounds like you had a fairly *easy* labor ;)


Congratulations she is beautiful, our little girl came on her due date but my delivery and recovery has been a rough one so I'm just catching up on all my blogs. Congrats on a successful delivery and a beautiful little girl!

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